
How to Prioritize as a Unit Secretary

One of the things that I stress is to be proactive. And by being proactive, you are better positioned to know which items to prioritize during your workday.  

How to Prioritize as a Unit Secretary

One of the things that I stress is to be proactive. And by being proactive, you are better positioned to know which items to prioritize during your workday.  

How to Save Money on Your Vacation

  Travel can be an expensive undertaking, but there are ways to save money and still have a great vacation. One way to cut costs is to plan your trip...

How to Save Money on Your Vacation

  Travel can be an expensive undertaking, but there are ways to save money and still have a great vacation. One way to cut costs is to plan your trip...

Tips on How to Save Money on Car Repairs

  No one likes paying for car repairs, but they are unfortunately a necessary part of owning a vehicle. The good news is that there are a few things you...

Tips on How to Save Money on Car Repairs

  No one likes paying for car repairs, but they are unfortunately a necessary part of owning a vehicle. The good news is that there are a few things you...

How to Take Care of People Who Come to the Nurs...

Every day, you will have people approaching you at the nursing station. Listed below are something that you should do to assist them.   Make eye contact with the person and...

How to Take Care of People Who Come to the Nurs...

Every day, you will have people approaching you at the nursing station. Listed below are something that you should do to assist them.   Make eye contact with the person and...

How to Save Money on Home Improvement

  Home improvement projects can be expensive, but there are ways to save money on the costs. One way to save is to do the work yourself rather than hiring...

How to Save Money on Home Improvement

  Home improvement projects can be expensive, but there are ways to save money on the costs. One way to save is to do the work yourself rather than hiring...

How To Deal With Rude Doctors and Nurses

  The number one problem in healthcare today is doctor and nurse etiquette. Nurses often have a hard time dealing with rude doctors, whereas physicians can be very unpleasant to...

How To Deal With Rude Doctors and Nurses

  The number one problem in healthcare today is doctor and nurse etiquette. Nurses often have a hard time dealing with rude doctors, whereas physicians can be very unpleasant to...